- was born on 10th of july..
- currently working in Pwer Plant industry in Pontian Johor...
- attended Universiti Teknologi Petronas Tronoh,Perak (2008-2013)..
- love drawing and playing guitar
give up to be a professional football player...
hope i can inspire people around the world wif my knowledge, abilities and experiences
...please take a moment and Enjoy Your virtual dessert with a cup of tongkat Ali...more Syoik mak gua ckp!
ulser memang pedih. sepedih hati
nde tu org pggl mata ikan..
bru tau
seram pulak aku tengok lukisan ko yang last hahaha
mimizuzuhaha>> memang pedih seperti makan makanan x sedap tpi kata sedap utk sedapkan hati awek yg masak...(aku sorang paham)..haha
Faiq Aiman>> nie panggilan kt johor je kot rse2nye la..
ganu>>xlme lagi ko termimpi ar ende nie...haha
suker sesangat atun kat sinie
isteri yg comel>>>thank u...
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